Yikes -- over a month since I've last updated my blog ... NOT GOOD! And definitely indicative of the hectic times.
Highlights of these however:
Submission of my second chapter - HOURRAY! So now I need to cross fingers and toes, and learn to be patient!
I am making good progress on chapter 4 - i.e., I have a balanced model, and after review by one of the experts in
My financial situation on the other hand isn't so rosy shall we say - hence it is back to contract work for me. Not a bad thing, keeps my neurons active on multiple fronts ;o) and my interests diversified!
Having lunch just now i came across some very depressing news and a fascinating clip - the depressing bit first: BBC uncovers lost Iraq billions
"Henry Waxman who chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform said: "The money that's gone into waste, fraud and abuse under these contracts is just so outrageous, its egregious. It may well turn out to be the largest war profiteering in history."
In the run-up to the invasion one of the most senior officials in charge of procurement in the Pentagon objected to a contract potentially worth seven billion that was given to Halliburton, a Texan company, which used to be run by Dick Cheney before he became vice-president.
Unusually only Halliburton got to bid - and won."
On a lighter note - check out this video clip! Incredible no?! Mother nature never seizes to amase me.