Friday, 10 September 2010

Food cravings and cooking

I love food. Blame my french roots over my german heritage ;o)

I love eating food, I love looking at food, I love shopping for food, and I ADORE cooking.

I find cooking to be therapeutic.

During the last stint of writing my thesis - something that feels like a distant blur, and too fresh a scar, memory - I got myself into a sort of time warp of sorts. I don't think this is anything unusual. But it is a rather surreal and truly strange experience. I mostly worked from home, rising around 9am. I'd have breakfast, do some work and then embark on a cooking meditative at-home retreat. For all the little sleep (I'd rarely go to bed before 4am) I had I craved healthy everything else. I needed exercise, to breathe fresh air, and more than anything to eat healthy food. I think I never spent as much money on food as during those last 3 months. And I don't regret it for a second.

I guess in some ways that time has elevated cooking to something even more special for me. Therapeutic yes. But also as though it was a gift to myself in moments when I truly struggled to be kind to myself.

All this is a bit of a long winded way to share with you one of my favourite recipes! I modified it from one of my favourite cooking blogs
101 cookbooks, which I discovered through my dear and loveliest of friend Krista - who has made her dream come true and put up her own blog, pods and pans (wicked name don't ya think?!).

So here goes the recipe:

1&1/4 cup plain cottage cheese

1 cup feta cheese (crumbled) – you can also use Parmesan

1/4 cup flour

1 cup almonds (grind these in a food processor until they achieve a flour-like consistency)

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes (in oil), finely chopped

1/4 cup black olives

1/4 cup basil, finely chopped

1/4 cup parsley, finely chopped

4 eggs, lightly beaten

Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400F degrees. Line a muffin pan with medium-sized paper baking cups (~10-12 it depends on the size of muffins you want). Alternatively use one of those flexible silicon muffin trays.

Put the cottage cheese into a bowl, add the eggs and mix well. Add all the other ingredients in the order above and season with pepper; mix well.

Spoon the mixture into the muffin cups, a spot before the edge. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until set, risen, and golden brown. You can serve them hot (my favourite) or at room temperature.

Monday, 12 July 2010

I have been thinking of opening a new bank account - now that I am no longer a student (hourray!!!) my current RBC set-up means I will be charged $10.95 per month. It potentially seems reasonable but I was curious to find out what's 'out there' and to compare features.
Doing a little research I came across this truly valuable website which provides just the type of info I was after.
So if you're having second thoughts about your account or would like to know how your bank is fairing, check it out!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

random thoughts

Many thoughts jumbled and tumbling through my mind... I'll take the time to unfold and uncoil them before laying some bare... another day :)

Some random things I came across today though that I liked.
First the not so random one - a blog that my friend Danae started a short while ago (in french) about her thoughts and reflections on communication, well being, lomi lomi etc...

Where to recycle e-waste (and judging from the website a whole slew of other items too) in the Vancouver area.

While waiting to get my SIN card renewed at the Service Canada office today I came across a few exercises and tips from Williams health group that I quite enjoyed - the link will guide you to free instructional PDFs.

That's it for now :)

Friday, 30 April 2010

Why do we wait until the Ocean is burning?

This hit me like a torpedo fired arrow, straight to the heart.

From my friend Wallace J Nichols

Why do we wait until the ocean is burning?

Why do we wait until the mountain tops are removed?

Why do we wait until the big fish are gone?

Why do we wait until the big cats are hanging on?

Why do we wait until the old growth is new?

Why do we wait until the waters are poisoned?

Why do we wait until the seas are plastic?

Why do we wait until the ocean is burning?