It's time i kept up with my blog more regularly - always lots of thoughts and things to share, so will make a more conscious effort to log them here :o)
In Seattle right now - sitting in my friend savas' home office, in front of a 24in screen -- I tell you my Ecosim trajectories look a lot better on this!!!
The change of setting has been good - managed to finish a draft of my Caribbean model report. Hopefully the final final version is not very far away; then i get to write it up as a paper. First though I think I'll have to rejig a few things around - like disaggregate my fish groups and re aggregate them so that these species truly either resident in seagrass beds or dependent on seagrass are their stand alone functional groups. I also want to draw up a table with information on epiphytic algae and who consumes it. Potentially also look at what fisheries in the Caribbean in the 80s looked like so that I can at least come up with some reasonable projections.
So - enough to keep me busy on that front for a while!!!
Before I came out here, we had a really interesting lecture + workshop with Nancy Baron, the Ocean Science Outreach Director for SeaWeb and COMPASS (Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea). Trained as a scientist she now works with environmental scientists to help them communicate their research more effectively to journalists, policymakers and the public. Key to doing so effectively: keep your message clear and simple and answer the question "so what?"!
...and to end with a surprising story - how about this for strange things that happen in the turtle wold: caregivers seek prosthetic flipper for injured turtle. A little extreme if you ask me....
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