Friday 3 August 2007

Back in YVR

Hmmm... it's been a while since I've posted anything ... and I am going to try and promise that I'll make sure to update everyone SOOON about the remainder legs of my trip to the South Pacific - namely Wallis!
In one word though -- it was absolutely *i*n*c*r*e*d*i*b*l*y* amasing and beautiful and I learned a ton! Seriously though, I've never in my life come across a place that is more picturesque than this one! The pictures sort of speak for themselves don't they ;o)

Since being back life's been pretty hectic and crazy ... getting back into the PhD mode has been somewhat slow... yet productive, which is good!
Got my first chapter accepted for publication, which is way exciting!!! .. and now trodding along with the rest of things.

Work has however been interrupted by some very excitedly fun activities, amongst others a weekend to Mayne Island with some friends of Neil's. It was without a doubt one of the best weekends ever - so so much fun! I'll post some pictures soon!
...and since the long weekend is coming up - hoping the weather clears again - a group of us is scheduled to go hiking on sunday. I can't wait -- the outdoors, yeahhhh!!!! I can hear my bum screaming yeahhhh too -- it's been adverse to sitting in a chair for too many hours a day and in a lot of pain! ...and no it's not an excuse to procrastinate!

Keep beaming**

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